


We provides middleware for distributed ledger technology (blockchain in the broad sense of the word) specialized for payments, which can be used by companies, local governments, and various communities to build their own currencies (“Unique PAY”), to a “Unique PAY” business platformer.

Payment systems that handle digital currencies require accuracy, immediacy, tamper-resistance, availability, and scalability. The configuration and processing of digital currencies is becoming increasingly complex, and our middleware can dramatically reduce the cost and operational risk of building challenging payment systems.

Recently, many companies are considering the establishment of their own currency (Original PAY) in addition to other payment methods in order to strengthen customer engagement and reduce payment fees through in-house use of payment data. Orb believes that our value lies in meeting such needs, including the use of crypto assets/stable coins, NFTs, and governance tokens, in preparation for the Web3 world enabled by blockchain.






Since we were aiming to develop an original currency platform, our basic development policy was to utilize distributed ledger technology such as blockchain to meet the high security requirements of payment systems, including tamper resistance and availability.
However, we determined that blockchain could not provide sufficient processing speed (including the inability to instantly finalize), and we developed our own distributed ledger technology that provides processing speed and scalability sufficient for settlement, while incorporating the strengths of blockchain, such as tamper resistance and availability.
Our “Orb DLT” has the following three(3) advantages.
Advantage of “Orb DLT” #1
Orb DLT allows for the flexible and easy configuration of multiple complex digital currency behaviors on the same platform. These complex behaviors are processed instantly and in large volumes in transactions that preserve ACID characteristics.
Advantage of “Orb DLT” #2
Orb DLT is provided as middleware available as an API, not as an application, to allow application developers to address a variety of use cases.
Advantage of “Orb DLT” #3
In addition to APIs that control the behavior of coins, Orb DLT also provides an external connection API necessary for unique currencies (”Unique PAY”), making it possible to implement such external linkages flexibly and easily.
External Connections

(Separate contracts / procurement is required with each connection.)

・Cash Charge Machine : Glory
・Credit Card:GMO-PG, STORES (formerly Coiney)
・Multiple Bank Accounts : “Bank Pay” service that allows recharging from more than 140 banks nationwide, including 5 metropolitan banks (under development)
・Specific Bank Account : SBI Sumishin Net Bank (connection verified)
・Electronic Stamps : Gifty
・Face Recognition : NEC

Use Case


Rigorously and immediately manage the different behavior of each local currency and the complexity and high volume of transactions in a local currency platform that embodies the various needs of the municipality.
Build applications that provide more value to customers across the entire group by using common group coins and coins for each business to surround customers in their own economic sphere.
Create a solution that enables various measures to increase fan engagement by issuing unique coins at all layers, including solution common coins, coins by fan community, and coins by member.

Delivery Record


Orb DLT has been adopted for solutions such as digital local currencies for local governments and in-house currencies for private companies, and continues to expand to include private local currency solutions.
Orb DLT has been adopted as the local currency platform provided by TRUST BANK. Over 50 municipalities (as of March 2024) have issued local currencies, including Fukaya City, Amagasaki City, Nishi-Izu Town, and Numata City.
Orb DLT was selected as the electronic solution for premium gift certificates by Machi no Wa, a joint venture between Kyushu Electric Power, Chikuho Bank, and SBI Holdings. 96 local currencies were issued, mainly in Fukuoka Prefecture, by the end of Apr 2024.
An electronic currency that can be used within AeroEdge, that employees propose business improvements that contribute to increased productivity, cost reduction, and quality improvement. Edge Coin is awarded based on the evaluation of the plan and performance, and the accumulated coins can be used for in-house sales at the company cafeteria, snacks, etc., or as “thank you points” (or to be called “peer bonus”) for employees to express their appreciation to each other.
Orb DLT was adopted for the demonstration experiment planned and operated by Niseko Hirafu Area Management. NISEKO Pay is an electronic local currency that can be used exclusively in the Kutchan and Hirafu areas, eliminating the inconvenience of carrying cash in ski resort areas, such as at restaurants, by providing a cashless solution.
UC Daiba Coin
Orb DLT was used for a local currency demonstration experiment in the Odaiba area conducted with UC Card in 2018. Implemented payment by face recognition and electronic stamps.
Dentsu International Information Services (ISID) and the Aya Town Regional Settlement Promotion Council in Miyazaki Prefecture have adopted Orb DLT for the “AYA SCORE” demonstration experiment related to regional contributions.



Developer’s Portal


This is the Orb DLT developer portal site. The Orb DLT API and SDK used for application development, an overview of the various Orb DLT components, and API documentation are available here.



Company Name
Orb Inc.

Date of Establishment
February, 2014

Board Member
Representative Director
Masahiro Okabe
Hiroshi Fukudome (CEO of CHANGE Holdings, Inc.)
Kenichi Kawamura(CEO of TRUSTBANK, Inc.)
Masakazu Kawasaki(Executive Officer, Corp Admin Div of TRUSTBANK, Inc.)
Kiyofumi Kuroda

Capital Stock
197,907,905 Japanese Yen (including capital reserve)

7th Floor, JR Meguro Tokyu bld
Kamiosaki 3-1-1, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021 Japan

Development and Provision of Original Distributed Ledger Technology (Orb DLT)


Participation Organization 

TRUST BANK’s chiica (local currency platform) and Machi no Wa Co’s (JV of Kyushu Electric Power, CHIKUHO BANK, and SBI Holdings) electronic solution for premium gift certificates have adopted Orb DLT and started operation.
TRUST BANK (operator of Furusato Choice, a tax payment website) becomes the largest shareholder, and Masahiro Okabe is appointed Representative Director.
Started a demonstration experiment of “UC Daiba Coin,” a local currency that can be used in Odaiba, with UC Card Co
Started a demonstration experiment of “S-Coin” available at Roppongi with SBI Holdings, Inc.
Launched NISEKO Pay, a local currency available in Niseko Hirafu, Hokkaido.
Orb DLT, an original distributed ledger technology based on a hybrid model of blockchain and distributed database, was released on April 24.
Launched the S-Coin platform project with SBI Holdings, Inc.
Representative Nakatsu becomes a board member of the Blockchain Association of Japan (JBA).
Conducted a community virtual currency demonstration experiment with SAN-IN GODO BANK, Ltd.
Changed the company name to Orb Inc. Released Orb1, an original distributed ledger technology based on blockchain.
CoinPass Inc. is established with the main purpose of Bitcoin payment service for EC. Released Bitcoin payment service (CoinPass payment) for EC businesses.

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